42G specializes in strategic social media management for emerging brands. We offer strategic social media strategies including full service content management, organic engagement campaigns, and ambassador program management and development. We love to partner with exciting visionaries and leaders to build long lasting brands.
We take your brilliant idea and use our insight to zone in on consumer needs, wants, and evolving trends that are steps ahead of current industries. We love finding the golden concept tucked in a community that showcases a growing trend, and we specialize in seeking brands that stand as outliers within their market.
We enjoy working with visionary leaders and brands who truly have a passion for their industry and strive to empower others.
About 42G
We believe in leadership-based cultures that enable a company’s identity to create its success and optimization. Founded by a former athlete, we take a team-first approach to everything we do, and we believe in the power of having a team behind you (we've got your back!).
Why 42? Our founders were inspired by the lifelong impact that Hall of Fame baseball player Jackie Robinson (#42) had upon our world. The legacy of Jackie Robinson has always been bigger than himself and the game of baseball. His greatest impact was not on the field, but on our American culture. His desire to play the game of baseball assisted all of those around him to become not only better baseball players, managers and executives -- but to flourish in their own personal growth and become the very best versions of themselves.
Our strategy is influenced precisely by that which made Jackie Robinson so special: the leadership development that he requested of himself and that he influenced those around him to achieve. In parallel fashion, our strategy at 42G is based on the development of the leadership of each brand in order to create long-term business growth.
We value Growth, Education, Empowerment, Relationships and Love.

Business Coaching
Weekly 1-on-1 Calls
Business Development
Strategy Sessions